You live with straights who tell you you was king / Jump when your momma tell you anything
The gambler type of big steers frequently fluctuated 50 cents per cwt. within two or three days, and they were responsible for beefhouse excoriation reaching yard buyers.
Then is the hoſtie ſlaine and flayde, and part on gridorne put, / The liuer and lights they comely ſéeth and euery little gut. / The gigots and the other fleſh in péeces they did ſpit, / Which roſt, tipling the pleaſaunt wine they downe to table ſit.
For then she sets foorth the liberty of his mind, the high flying of his thoughts, the fitnesse in him to beare rule, the singular loue the subiects bare him; that it was doubtful, whether his wit were greater in winning their fauours, or his courage in imploying their fauours: that he was not borne to liue a subiect-life, each action of his bearing in it Maiestie, such a kingly entertainement, such a kingly magnificence, such a kingly heart for enterprises: especially remembring those vertues, which in successor are no more honored by the subiects, then suspected of the Princes.