These toxins are produced by black or brown widow spiders from the genus Latrodectus and are directed predominantly against vertebrates (α-LTX), although five homologous insect-specific latrotoxins and one crustacean-specific latrotoxin coexist in the venom of Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttans.
… having rowed and portaged a score of pestilential leagues upstream from the disemboguement of El Rio Echt to discover a mine so deeply posh with all things gay, gaudy, and jinglesome in the pocket that the very rumor of it, much less its actuality, launched a merchant navee, a flotilla of sharp-toothed frigates and an extortion industry - and this was only chanticleer's crow at the dawning, before even he learned to peck sugar from the palm of the Barbadoes.
Surprisingly, the complexity of the problem explodes when we add one binary symbol more: C2 with one linear order and in the presence of other binary predicate symbols is equivalent, under elementary reductions, to the emptiness problem for multicounter automata.
It seems she churns the butter with one foot and rocks a cradleful of twins with the other; with her hands she knits socks for her husband; on her knee rests a book from which she is improving her mind.