Caring less to know about their conditions and their ways of living and the source of their income; they start to demand such apparelments and perfumes from husband not bothering whether they will eat or not, and in some cases, if the husband is unable to provide such needs, the wife flies away through the window and enter into prostitution, forgetting what her husband has spent on her head.
Ovid hath a witty fiction of one Phyllius, who fell ſo deeply in love with a little boy, that at his pleaſure he took many wilde Beaſts, Birds, and Lions, and tamed them to the delight of his Amaſius: at length the inſatiable Boy required him to do the like by a Bull, which he had overcome, but Phyllius denying that requeſt, the Boy preſently caſt himſelf down from a Rock, and was afterward turned into a Swan.
This deals with the vitamin content of the different parts of the cabbage head when the same varieties are grown in the spring (November to May) and in the fall (August to November).
In Scotland, the Tay [bridge] fell (in part) as textbook testament to the brittleness of cast iron.