It must not be numbered among the obliviscences and reticenses of the candid reader, that this man, who had been … declared by the head of the Church of Christ, in a public instrument for the instruction and direction of all the faithful, that he was a man of very unsound doctrine, and guilty of many outrages against the holy see, should have been selected and appointed the sole plenipotentiary, delegate, and commissioner, on the part of the Church of Rome, to effect the desirable object of her reunion with the Church of England.
Each is embellished with Italian Renaissance-inspired detail, including rusticated stonework, pedimented window hoods, consoles, cartouches, a denticulate cornice and a roof-mounted balustrade
First stop for our entourage of two buses and three cars is a technical school where the headmaster has directed his students to alley crop a small field of Leucaena and cowpeas.
If they are of equal worth, and that is the basis for equal treatment, then some people should not be considered more worthly simply because they have some trait, such as training, that allows them to make an additional social contribution …