In an industry that relies more than anything on the appearance of total control, total safety, these two crashes pose as close to an existential risk as you can get.
And on 1986's Life Young made similar pronouncements set against a background of surrealistic global superpolitics on songs like Long Walk Home.
The “token” is simply a small piece of leather with a given number upon it, and as the colliers work in pairs--not at the same time, but in succession, the one man taking the “fore shift,” the other the “back shift,”—each pair has a specific number, and round the “token” cabin are ranged hooks also numbered to correspond with the tokens the colliers take down with them into the mine; every tub laden with coal that comes to bank has in it one of these “tokens,” and the business of token-keeper is to secure these and lodge them upon their corresponding hooks, so that at the end of each shift, or day of labour, the colliers knows how many tubs he has sent “to bank”.
The orientation of an individual that makes him become President or scientist or baker is a decision that makes president and scientist and baker equals as responsive and oriented persons long before their various ideals of presidency, scholarship, and bakership begin to operate upon them.