It was easy to realise, too, the need for the overall 40 m.p.h. speed limit; apart from the spongy nature of much of the track bed, the [West Highland] line suffered considerably in the Arctic conditions of last winter, from which it has not yet fully recovered.
Apart from my opinion on the matter, and thus on the character and extension of our agreement, my reaction to anonymous Muslimship could well be as follows: […]
In discipline there must be a place for what I call wobble room for the child. This means making allowances for the child to fail sometimes and at other times make mistakes.
From what has been said so far, […] and their many perjuries in front of the judges during interrogation (because don't care about perjuring themselves and drawing down curses upon themselves and swearing on a stack of Bibles), it is clear that, because of their essential nature and formal profession of belief and reception into their congregation, these Waldensians are apostates from the faith, idolaters and guilty of the crime of treason against God; […]