You can't be so casual. You're in the major leagues now.
If you blinked, you'd miss the fact that the Court passed on six abortion-related petitions! First, the Court GVR'd Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky in light of June Medical.
Quemoy, Taiwan
IN A CRAMPED WORKSHIP just a few miles off the coast of China, Wu Zen-tung takes an old bomb fragment and within minutes has hammered it into a sleek kitchen knife. The bomb dates from 1958, when Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist forces managed to hold onto Quemoy, the little Taiwanese outpost that would become an issue in the 1960 presidential election....Chinese Communist forces dropped some 474,910 bombs over those 44 days, and they would continue to shell Quemoy every other day for the next 20 years, right up until the U.S. recognized Beijing on New Year's Day 1979.
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The lack of anxiety in Quemoy illustrates the dramatic shift in Taiwan's strengths and vulnerabilities. In the bad old days, with Chiang and Mao duking it out for control, the defense of Quemoy became a focal point of the who's tougher on Communism debates of the Nixon-Kennedy presidential race.
[T]here was a little, sleek, fat clerk of the name of Chaucer, who was so apt at rondel, sirvente, or tonson, that no man dare give back a foot from the walls, lest he find it all set down in his rhymes and sung by every underling and varlet in the camp.