a flirtational gesture
Several hydrocars have been manufactured since then — nifty little things with a price tag of several hundred thousand dollars that can be fueled at one of the 63 hydrogen stations throughout the country.
He was not a good subordinate, yet lacked the qualities of a leader. A constitutional warmth of temperament, and a seeming techiness and irritability, involved him in some unworthy squabbles.
A lady ſhould, indeed, ſtudie her face, when wee thinke ſhee ſleepes: nor, when the dores are ſhut, ſhould men bee inquiring, all is ſacred within, then. … you ſee guilders will not worke, but inclos'd. They muſt not diſcouer, how little ſerues, with the helpe of art, to adorne a great deale.
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