He may think Memaw's consistent failure to strike him with the broom is a function of her indextrous skill with the broom used in this uncustomary manner.
[…] we found she wanted to marry a white man, who would be rich enough to support her in the style to which she has been accustomed, for she alone, of all her father's family, is relieved from the curse of squawdom — hard labor.
But, particularly in this Oversight Hearing on NSF, it is important to take note of essential characteristics of small science and of the benefit of such projects to the entire scientific enterprise. Small science projects are more apt to be scrutinized at every stage by peers, as they are conceived, designed, described, reviewed, conducted, assessed, and published. Small science helps more in producing the next generation of scientists; this becomes particularly critical as we seek to attract more women and minorities into science.
But the shifting moral tone is perfectly caught in Helen McCrory's polymorphous Phocion, who is mischievously aware of her sexual power and switches from macho snarls when seducing a woman to flirty oeillades when playing with a man.