If I am right, Wittgenstein's claim, The sum-total of reality is the world (2.063), which has mystified many, amounts to the assertion that the actual world is the sum-total of all realities, that is, facts.
The tailors were busily at work for the men ; fitting and misfitting, altering and misaltering, and making clothes in every possible way except the right one, for right the clothes of man will never be so long as ever they are intended to fit.
Attempts to introduce versions of market communism — in China, Hungary or Yugoslavia — have shown how hard it is to make mainly state-owned economies as nimble as mainly private ones.
On November 15 our Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed Soviet ambassador Petrov of this decision. At the same time I sent a message to President Harry S. Truman, pointing out that Soviet Russia's treaty violations and bad faith in Manchuria not only were detrimental to China's territorial integrity and unification, but also constituted a serious threat to peace and order in East Asia, and that the only way to prevent any further deterioration of the situation would be for China and the United States to take positive and coordinated actions.