A South African celebrity entrepreneur known for his space travel—he was the first ‘afronaut’—as well as his philanthropic ambition, [Mark] Shuttleworth has overseen the development of Ubuntu […]
The prospect of a new global order is also central to many variants of the Human Potential and New Age movements and Scientology. All these very different kinds of NRM nevertheless share a conviction that human beings have, perhaps for the first time, come into possession of the knowledge required to free them from traditional structures of thought and action. Hence, the confidence of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation, and of Werner Erhard, the founder of est (now largely reconfigured as the Landmark Trust), that the state of the entire world would improve if a sufficient number of people became sufficiently energetic and disciplined about their spiritual practice.
Having underordered the popular new toys, we ran out within half a day.
Merchants, that is Jews – as well as other merchants, wherever they come from, from that country or from others – shall pay the just thelony [toll], both for their servants and their goods, as was always the case in the time of previous kings.