The hysterical claims and missionary-like zeal exhibited by groups who wish to impose their vision of the good upon others is symptomatic of certain asocializing forces in our society.
[A]ll theſe Magiſtrates were elected by, and from, the whole promiſcuous Body of the People in their public Aſſemblies; that after the Inſtitution of Cenſors, it was look'd upon as a Matter of Form only, that they should enroll the new Senators at the next general Luſtrum, or Survey of the Commonwealth; […]
The aim of this paper consists on the study of the following fourth-order operator: \begin{equation}\label{Ec::T4} T[M]\,u(t)\equiv u{(4)}(t)+p_1(t)\,u'(t)+p_2(t)\,u (t)+M\,u(t)\,,\ t\in I \equiv [a,b]\,, \end{equation} coupled with the two point boundary conditions: \begin{equation}\label{Ec::cf} u(a)=u(b)=u(a)=u (b)=0\,. \end{equation} So, we define the following space: \begin{equation}\label{Ec::esp} X=\left\lbrace u\in C4(I)\quad\mid\quad u(a)=u(b)=u(a)=u (b)=0 \right\rbrace \,. \end{equation} Here p_1∈C³(I) and p_2∈C²(I). By assuming that the second order linear differential equation \begin{equation}\label{Ec::2or} L_2\, u(t)\equiv u"(t)+p_1(t)\,u'(t)+p_2(t)\,u(t)=0\,,\quad t\in I, \end{equation} is disconjugate on I, we characterize the parameter's set where the Green's function related to operator T[M] in X is of constant sign on I⨯I.
You [children] have been told, that Buonaparté is—“a very good?—man:”—that “A Chief-Conſul—” (self-appointed; and all but omnipotent)—“A Chief-Conſul, and proſtitute Conſuleſs, are far better than your old-faſhioned Kings and Queens.