Each day that I went, he stood off by himself, in solitude, came politely to the tee on his own, whacked to the right and left in a skitter of balls, his hair pinched in a clubhouse golf cap that didn't fit, his mouth in grim determination to not make an utter fool of himself, his golf clubs' vinyl bag with the ticket attached to signal his beginner's fees were paid.
It would have cost but a word from the Prince to divert but a paltry fraction, say twenty of the thousand millions, to the glory of German architects and the greater glory of the unificator of his country.
Should we worry about a world of stodgy multicentenarians who will resist the innovations of ninety-something upstarts and perhaps ban the begetting of pesky children altogether?
Most striking and well-known examples of affine transformation applications are computer tomography (see for instance [1]) and information compression for telecommunication systems (see [2]).
This book describes affine transformations (displacements, turns, scaling, shifts) of n-dimensional figures, where n=1,2,3,4.