Nothing, I think, in nature, can be supposed more terrible, than such a Rencounter,--so imprompt! so ill prepared to stand the shock of it as Dr. Slop was!
All the cases I will examine come from P'u-t'ien district. Until the early Sung, P'u-t'ien was part of Ch'üan-chou prefecture; in 983 a new prefecture, Hsing-hua Commandery (Hsing-hua chün), was established with P'u-t'ien as the prefectural capital. The district is located on the lower reaches of the Mu-lan River, the principle river system between the Chin River of Ch'üan-chou to the south and the Min River of Fu-chou to the north. No doubt because of their proximity to the latter, which had been the social, cultural, and political heart of Fu-chien for many centuries, most of the elite kin groups in P'u-t'ien claimed to be collateral branches of prominent Fu-chou kin groups who had settled in P'u-t'ien no later than the early T'ang. Collectively the P'u-t'ien elite claimed the most ancient pedigree among the Min-nan elite. It is, therefore, not surprising that they claim the oldest genealogical tradition as well.
Within all was dark; but she entered as freely and with as little misgiving or restraint as if it had been broad daylight.
These videos thus staged a conflict not only between Alt-Right Kekistanis and liberal SJWs but also between the imagined depths of authentic web subculture and its superficial surface.