Me [David Gribble]: […] What do you mean when you say Free Progress ? / Jacqueline: Like we were not - we had no boundations to learn anything - if we wanted to do painting we could just do it.
BROWN wound up the armony of our truly appy heavening by singing his new song of, The LORD MARE leads a nappy life, and we sort our seweral nupshal couches as happy and contented a lot as his Lordship hisself, our werry larst drink all round being to the follering sentiment given out by me as the prowd Chairman: May all the well to do in this grand old London of ours enjoy as merry a Crismus as we have enjoyed to-night, and may they all give a kind thort, and a liberal stump-up, to all the poor and needy who so badly wants it this bitter weather.
To be thus ‘planet-struck’ or ‘blasted’ was to be suddenly and inexplicably affected by a paralysing disease, apoplexy or other kind of sudden death.
In such cases, and generally in any case, where the infliction of injury is not connected with a contravention of the present law, or with some other legal proceeding, whether intentional or the result of negligence, the whale fisher is liable only for any direct loss which may be caused by the pursuit itself, or incurred by fishermen or others in the way of necessary sacrifices made in order to avoid collision to any boat, vessel, cargo or tackle, even though the fish had not yet been taken out of the water.