The hardest trial of all to bear was the cruel bastinado, which the vartabad at length resorted to, seeing that other means failed. A young man was called into the presence of this church dignitary, and required to sign the patriarch's creed. Refusing to comply, he was placed on the floor and beaten with sticks on the soles of his feet, the vartabad assisting with his own hands in inflicting this cruelty.
The story we will share in the pages of this book, you as the reader and I as the author, contains a modicum of mathematics. I have used it sparingly, and judiciously, but to eliminate it altogether would have been dishonest, a form of intellectual deception and condescension, and an insult to your curiosity and intelligence.
The term wachi for yFBD appears to have no equivalent in the case of MZD , suggesting that distinctions of relative age are a concern primarily among patrilateral kin . An absence of symmetric alliance is suggested by the distinctions[…]
Given also the extreme and increasing politicization of rate making in North America, it is highly improbable that accounting levelization could be introduced without the hazard of wide-spread abuse.