Greetings from Brigite from Portugal to Austria!
What do I know about your country?
Hardly nothing! I only know that you speak German, your capital is Vienna and that you have very beatifull palaces. oh yes, and that the film of Sissi was made there! (Actually I liked it a lot!)
What prejudices?
I heard of a lot of xenofobia and racism... is it true?
Round comes the kindly trowserian [trouserian in later editions] veil (as Dyer of ‘The Fleece’ would have had it); the legs retreat, like other conquerors, into retirement;
The delectableſt luſtie ſight and mouingeſt obiect, me thought it was that our Ile ſets forth, and nothing behinde in number with the inuincible Spaniſh Armada, though they were not ſuch Gargantuan boyſterous gulliguts as they, though ſhips and galeaſſes they would haue beene reckoned in the nauy of K. Edgar, who is chronicled & regiſtred with three thouſand ſhips of warre to haue ſcoured the narrow ſeas, and ſailed round about England euery Summer.
The Victoria-Brighton non-stops, the Victoria-Eastbourne and Hastings, Victoria-Worthing and Littlehampton, Victoria-Bognor and Portsmouth and Victoria-Oxted line services were, with a very few exceptions, all re-routed to and from London Bridge.