So Juſtice, which ſhould runne downe like a ſtreame, though it ariſeth out of a pure Fountaine, out of the breaſt of a ſincere and incorrupted Judge; yet if formerly it hath paſſed through the Mines of Gold and Silver, I meane, through bad Servants, who have taken bribes to prepoſſeſſe the Judge their Maſter with the prejudice of falſe informations, Juſtice hereby may be ſtrangely perverted and corrupted.
Communism made things even worse by eliminating the export market for locally made textiles and, in some cases, prohibiting the production of silk and the manufacture of clothes. Although traditional sins were allowed, colorful ones were considered bourgeois and banned.
Fancy my naughty male bottom flaming red over your knee or across the end of your bed as you spank me to a crisp and whale the tar out of me with a riding crop after the hairbrushing
The hydraulic radius is found from the definition Rₕ = ([volume of (interstitial) pore space filled with fluid]/[surface area of (interstitial) pore apace in contact with fluid]) = (porosity (ε₀)/specific surface area (Sᵥ)), where both ε₀ and Sᵥ are practical and experimentally measurable characteristics of porous materials.