He had never tasted cum before, and this was such a surprise that his mouth was half-open, so most of the cumwad went straight onto his tongue.
It is a solution that, by placing full confidence in Christ's capacity to feel and understand pain, fear and desolation, in a word, all the negative elements that man may experience on earth, allows Hopkins to find hope, consolation, and ultimate salvation, allows this poet-priest to explicate and extrinsicate his own personal and poetic presence, solely in the presence and immanence of Christ:
We have received the addresses for removing the chancellor, and the counteraddresses from the lords and convocation; and you will know, before this reaches you, our sentiments of them here.
For eſſentiall things are alwaies farre more effectuall then groſſe bee, for confirmation whereof we neede not doubt, that if a man ſhould ſeparate the roſinous and ſulphurous ſubſtance of Tobaccao, and bring it into ſuch a conſiſtence as Opium is, and afterwards giue it vnto ſuch as vſually take Tobacco, they could not poſſibly indure the tenth part ſo much of this as of the leaues, as hath beene alreadie practiſed and tried.