IYSS. I took that to be part of the whole deal with cheap-shot artists hoo take it out with elbows and butt-ends.
I spoke of my interest in seeing what those masters of the floatmaker's art at Macy's might come up with as a 300-square-foot depiction of a plate of spaghetti carbonara.
The hardims are of an olive-green color shaded with black, and below a pale yellow.
The HAS Hearth program uses three types of health workers: community development and health agents (Agents Communautaires), nutrition educators (monitrices) and volunteer mothers (animatrices).[…]They work in pairs to train and then supervise the animatrices during the implementation of the foyers and subsequent follow-up activities. The animatrices are the front line volunteer workers in direct contact with the mothers of malnourished children. Typically there are 10 to 20 per community. Thus, the 200,000 people in the HAS service area, living in roughly 150 communities and neighborhoods averaging about 1300 persons each, are served by 60 full-time paid Agents Communautaires, 14 full-time paid monitrices, and a total of about 1900 volunteer animatrices. / Once the monitrices are trained, the Agents Communautaires recruit animatrices from communites scheduled to receive Hearth. Each animatrice selects tend to be congenial, willing and vivacious.