Look, today was 'sea harvest' so let's go forage for edible plants tomorrow!ほら、今日は海の幸だったから明日は山の幸とかさ、取りに行こうよっ。
These cakes are wrapped in edible paper.
If I win the lottery, I'll be able to live high on the hog.宝くじでも当たれば、左うちわで暮らせるだろうに。
My father always hogs the bathroom in the morning.
The relative pronoun 'that' has two states, a nominative case and objective case, but there is no possessive case.関係代名詞のthatは、主格、目的格の2つであり、所有格はありません。
My ex-boyfriend was so possessive of me.
Therefore I'm giving up for now. I'll still try to check out other possibilities but ... I think hopes are slim.だから今は降参ね。他にもまだ調べてはみるけど・・・期待薄だと思う。
That will be enough [[for now]].