I think it is certain that there is intelligent life in this universe, but the likelihood of that life coming to Earth is practically nil.この宇宙には知的生命体が存在するのはまず間違いないと思うが、その生命体が地球に来る可能性は殆ど無し。
There is no likelihood of his getting well soon.
Knowing very well that his wife wanted to go to a movie, the husband, who was a dog in the manger, cooked up a scheme whereby they had to stay at home waiting for a certain visitor who was not expected to come.女房が映画に行きたがっていることがよくわかったので、いじわるな亭主は一計を案じ、くるあてもない来客を家で待つことにした。
As a result, he was diagnosed with insomnia and anxiety neurosis near the end of May.その結果、5月下旬に不安神経症や不眠症と診断された。
She'll diagnose each person carefully.