him, he; the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition, or as the predicate of a linking verb, or when disjoined from a sentence, or as a stressed subject / him, her; the third-person singular personal pronoun used as an indirect object
him, he; the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition, or as the predicate of a linking verb, or when disjoined from a sentence, or as a stressed subject / him, her; the third-person singular personal pronoun used as an indirect object
him, he; the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition, or as the predicate of a linking verb, or when disjoined from a sentence, or as a stressed subject / him, her; the third-person singular personal pronoun used as an indirect object
I gave him the book he wanted.
Je lui ai donné le livre qu'il voulait.
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