coupon (certificate of interest due) / an oddment or offcut, a short rest of fabric remaining from a bolt (roll) or large piece.
coupon (certificate of interest due) / an oddment or offcut, a short rest of fabric remaining from a bolt (roll) or large piece.
coupon (certificate of interest due) / an oddment or offcut, a short rest of fabric remaining from a bolt (roll) or large piece.
J'ai utilisé le coupon de l'obligation pour recevoir mon paiement semestriel d'intér ets.
I used the bond coupon to receive my semi-annual interest payment.
I used the bond coupon to receive my semi-annual interest payment.
J'ai utilisé le coupon de l'obligation pour recevoir mon paiement semestriel d'intér
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- 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
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- 問題の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
- 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
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