最終更新日 :2024/06/28

mardi gras


(usually uncountable) Shrove Tuesday: the day when traditionally all fat and meat in the house were finished up, before Christians were banned from eating them during Lent, which commenced the following day on mercredi des cendres / (usually uncountable) Mardi Gras: the last day of a carnival, traditionally the celebration immediately before the start of Lent when joy could be out of place for Christians / (countable) a person dressed up in a ridiculous disguise



(usually uncountable) Shrove Tuesday: the day when traditionally all fat and meat in the house were finished up, before Christians were banned from eating them during Lent, which commenced the following day on mercredi des cendres / (usually uncountable) Mardi Gras: the last day of a carnival, traditionally the celebration immediately before the start of Lent when joy could be out of place for Christians / (countable) a person dressed up in a ridiculous disguise

(usually uncountable) Shrove Tuesday: the day when traditionally all fat and meat in the house were finished up, before Christians were banned from eating them during Lent, which commenced the following day on mercredi des cendres / (usually uncountable) Mardi Gras: the last day of a carnival, traditionally the celebration immediately before the start of Lent when joy could be out of place for Christians / (countable) a person dressed up in a ridiculous disguise


mardi gras

Mardi Gras est célébré avec des défilés colorés et des costumes élaborés.


Mardi Gras is celebrated with colorful parades and elaborate costumes.

Mardi Gras is celebrated with colorful parades and elaborate costumes.


Mardi Gras est célébré avec des défilés colorés et des costumes élaborés.


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