insan biçimcilik
anthropomorphism (the attribution or ascription of human-like characteristics to animals and inanimate objects)
anthropomorphism (the attribution or ascription of human-like characteristics to animals and inanimate objects)
anthropomorphism (the attribution or ascription of human-like characteristics to animals and inanimate objects)
insan biçimcilik
İnsan biçimcilik, hayvanlara ve cansız nesnelere insan benzeri özellikler atfetme eğilimidir.
Anthropomorphism is the tendency to attribute human-like characteristics to animals and inanimate objects.
Anthropomorphism is the tendency to attribute human-like characteristics to animals and inanimate objects.
İnsan biçimcilik, hayvanlara ve cansız nesnelere insan benzeri özellikler atfetme eğilimidir.
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