最終更新日 :2024/06/24



causative of geçmek / To take or carry something from one place or side to another. / To put into record, to take down as a note. / To place or install something where it is meant to go. / To walk someone out, to walk someone to the door when they are leaving, to see out. / To spend time doing something or to live or reside at a place for a time. / To wear, to put on, often implying that the action is done hastily or carelessly. / To apply an action on a mass of people. / To contract a disease. / To hit, to strike. / To cheat someone in a transaction, to rip off.



causative of geçmek / To take or carry something from one place or side to another. / To put into record, to take down as a note. / To place or install something where it is meant to go. / To walk someone out, to walk someone to the door when they are leaving, to see out. / To spend time doing something or to live or reside at a place for a time. / To wear, to put on, often implying that the action is done hastily or carelessly. / To apply an action on a mass of people. / To contract a disease. / To hit, to strike. / To cheat someone in a transaction, to rip off.

causative of geçmek / To take or carry something from one place or side to another. / To put into record, to take down as a note. / To place or install something where it is meant to go. / To walk someone out, to walk someone to the door when they are leaving, to see out. / To spend time doing something or to live or reside at a place for a time. / To wear, to put on, often implying that the action is done hastily or carelessly. / To apply an action on a mass of people. / To contract a disease. / To hit, to strike. / To cheat someone in a transaction, to rip off.



Ben ona hastalığı geçirmek için ilaç verdim.


I gave him medicine to cure the illness.

I gave him medicine to cure the illness.


Ben ona hastalığı geçirmek için ilaç verdim.


  • 項目の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
  • 項目の新規作成を審査する
  • 項目の編集を審査する
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  • 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
  • 決定に必要な投票数 - 1
  • 例文の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
  • 例文の削除を審査する
  • 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
  • 決定に必要な投票数 - 1
  • 問題の編集権限を持つユーザー - すべてのユーザー
  • 審査に対する投票権限を持つユーザー - 編集者
  • 決定に必要な投票数 - 1

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