検索結果- イタリア語 - 英語
reflexive of fare / to become / to make oneself / to elaborate on in one's mind / to form (a relationship, friendship, etc.) with / to acquire or buy / to eat or drink / to smoke (a cigarette, pipe, etc.) / to move oneself / to look out (the window, etc.) / to let / to compel or force / to become an expert / to exchange (between or among each other) / to become (of time) / to facilitate it's usage; to be easy (to use) (of a tool, etc.) / to do (take drugs) / to make, have (sexually)
farsi strada
to make one's way (to move forward, usually toward a destination or goal, physically or conceptually)
farsi largo
reflexive of fare largo / to break through a crowd / to climb the social ladder; to get ahead
farsi vivo
(intransitive) to show up; to make an appearance / (intransitive, or transitive with con) to get in touch (with); to reach out (to)
farsi sentire
to articulate and defend one's opinions clearly; to speak out / to have a substantial effect; to make itself felt / to check in; to communicate