検索結果- ドイツ語 - 英語
(countable) day (24-hour period) / (countable) day (period from midnight to the following midnight) / (countable, astronomy) day (rotational period of a planet, moon or any celestial body (especially Earth)) / (countable) day, daylight (period between sunrise and sunset when there is daylight) / (uncountable) day, daylight, light (light from the Sun) / (uncountable, figurative) light (open view; a visible state or condition) / (uncountable) day (part of a day which one spends at work, school, etc.) / (uncountable, figurative) day (specified time or period, considered with reference to the prominence or success (in life or in an an argument or conflict) of a person or thing) / (countable, dated, now found chiefly in compounds such as Bundestag, Reichstag, Landtag, Sudetendeutscher Tag or Tag der Oberschlesier) convention, congress (formal assembly)
guten Tag
hello, good day, good afternoon (greeting said when meeting or acknowledging someone)
Jüngste Tag
strong nominative singular of Jüngster Tag / strong accusative singular of Jüngster Tag / weak nominative singular of Jüngster Tag
Tag X
A far away and perhaps unlikely day that will change course of action. / A decisive day, a day for which someone plans his victory. / Specifically the day of revolution, when the Fourth Reich or the like commences.
am hellichten Tag
Formerly standard spelling of am helllichten Tag which was deprecated in the spelling reform (Rechtschreibreform) of 1996 .