(mathematics) to factorize
We need to factorize this equation to solve it.
second-person plural simple future of factoriser
You will factorize this equation to find the solution.
second-person singular simple future of factoriser
You will factorize this equation tomorrow.
first-person plural simple future of factoriser
We will factorize this equation tomorrow.
second-person plural conditional of factoriser
You would factorize this equation if you had more time.
first-person plural conditional of factoriser
If we were to factorize this expression, we would obtain a simpler solution.
third-person singular simple future of factoriser
He will factorize the mathematical expression.
third-person plural simple future of factoriser
They will factorize the mathematical expression.
first/second-person singular conditional of factoriser
I would factorize this mathematical expression.
third-person plural conditional of factoriser
They would factorize the mathematical expression.
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