検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
ne craindre ni Dieu ni diable
(literary) to fear neither Heaven nor Hell, to be unscrupulous, to be lawless, to have no respect for any authority
ne pas être piqué des hannetons
(informal, figuratively) to be pretty good, to be quite something, to be excellent
ne pas rester pierre sur pierre
(literary) for there to be nothing left (of a building), for there to be only ruins
ne pas croire si bien dire
not to know how right one is (said when someone who has uttered a statement doesn't know that this statement is even truer than they thought, for example because there is another dimension to it that they weren't aware of)
ne pas avoir la tête à
(informal) not feel like (doing something), not be in the mood for (doing something)
il ne manquait plus que ça
(informal) great, that's just what we needed; that takes the cake; that's the last thing we needed
l'air de-ne-pas-y-toucher
(informal) poker face (without revealing one's thoughts or intentions)