検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
ça passe ou ça casse
(informal) it's make-or-break time, it's a sink or swim situation, it's touch and go
et j'en passe
(informal) and many more, and that's not all, and I could go on, to name but a few
j'en passe et des meilleurs
(informal) and that's the least of it, and that's not the half of it, and that's not all, and I could go on, and so on and so forth
passer sous la table
(informal) to perform fellatio (in exchange for some academic or professional benefit)
common hollyhock (Alcea rosea) / rose campion (Silene coronaria syn. Lychnis coronaria)
common hollyhock (Alcea rosea) / rose campion (Silene coronaria syn. Lychnis coronaria)
passer l'hiver
(literally) to spend winter (somewhere, doing something) / (figuratively, in the negative) to make it through winter, to survive winter