検索結果- ポルトガル語(ポルトガル、ブラジル) - 英語
Ficha Limpa
(Brazil, politics) the Supplementary Law no. 135 of 2010 of Brazil, designed to prevent some candidates from running for political office: those who have been convicted of corruption crimes, those that have been impeached, and those that have renounced a political office to avoid impeachment
Ficha Limpa
(Brazil, politics) a politician with a "clean slate" and thus able to run for elections according to the aforementioned law
sala limpa
cleanroom (room or environment controlled to minimize airborne particulate matter)
to clean (to remove dirt from a place or object) / to remove all contents from a location or container / to stop being cloudy or foggy; to clear up / to eviscerate and descale an animal for consumption