検索結果- ポーランド語 - 英語
(transitive) to want (to wish for or desire) [+accusative] or [+genitive = something] [+infinitive = to do something] / (transitive) Used in polite commands; to want [+ żeby (past tense)], [+ aby (past tense)], or [+ by (past tense) = to do what] / (transitive, of objects, usually negated) to be able to, can / (reflexive, impersonal) to feel like, to want (to have a desire for something, or to do something) [+infinitive] / (reflexive, impersonal) Used to indicate when someone is experiencing a specific condition of their body that is associated with an action indicated by the subordinate verb; to want [+infinitive]
nie chcieć znać
(transitive, idiomatic) to not want anything to do with [+genitive = with whom/what]
nie chcieć słyszeć
(intransitive, idiomatic) to strongly disagree [+ o (locative) = with what] / (intransitive, idiomatic) to not want anything to do with [+ o (locative) = with what]
chcieć przez to powiedzieć
(transitive, idiomatic) to mean (to intend to express, to imply, to hint at, to allude, particularly when clarifying)