検索結果- ポーランド語 - 英語
człowiek strzela, Pan Bóg kule nosi
(idiomatic) man proposes, God disposes (things don't always work out as they were planned)
(transitive) to shoot, to fire [+ z (genitive) = a projectile weapon] [+ do (genitive) = at something] / (transitive, of a firearm) to fire [+instrumental = a projectile] / (transitive, informal) to guess, to shoot / (transitive) to shoot (to be very loud) / (intransitive) to shoot up (suddenly go upward) / (transitive, informal) to hit / (transitive) to shoot off with something, to do something unexpectedly / (transitive) to crack a joke / (transitive) to shoot off at the mouth / (transitive, sports) to shoot to make an attempt at the goal, or to succeed in making one / (transitive, sports) to shoot / (transitive, sports) to put down an animal by shooting / (intransitive, mining) to explode