検索結果- アラビア語 - 英語
then, afterward, subsequently; used to indicate order of time, being later occurring, or even in lesser degree of impressiveness / and again; used when repeating a word or short phrase in order to emphasize it / and so or also, likewise, accordingly, moreover, furthermore, additionally so; used to denote a speaker's order of enunciation, not indicating a sequence or delay of occurrence between two statements
to put into a good state, to mend, to get together in an orderly fashion, to repair / to apply ثُمَام (ṯumām, “panicgrass”) to
household utensils, tools that put a house or tent into a good order, domestic possessions
ثبت العرش ثم انقش
prove that your claims are true or your sources reliable, before you draw deductions from them / do not get into idle discussions about the details of something that is not even realistic or possible; (somewhat like) don't count your chickens before they're hatched
(collective) the yield of flowering plants, botanical fruits, crops; (collective) the typically sweet- or (less commonly) sour-tasting produce of plants, fruit, fruitage / (collective) the yield of flowering plants, botanical fruits, crops; (collective, by extension) something or someone resembling, likened to, or related to fruit (such as natural produce, the result of a happening or an action, offspring or progeny, the produce of anything, the fruit of one's labor, gain, advantage, profit, possessions, riches, money, and so on) / (collective) the yield of flowering plants, botanical fruits, crops / (collective, rare) the knots of the whiplash that lacerate the skin; the thong