検索結果- アラビア語 - 英語
to preserve, to conserve / to protect, to guard, to defend / to observe, to bear in mind, to comply / to be mindful, to be heedful / to keep up, to maintain, to sustain / to retain, to uphold / to hold, to have in safe-keeping, to take care / to keep, to store, to put away / to retain in memory, to remember, to know by heart / to memorize, to commit to memory / to reserve
verbal noun of حَفِظَ (ḥafiẓa) (form I) / preservation, maintenance, conservation, upholding / protection, defense, guarding / custody, safekeeping, storage / observance, compliance / memorization, memorizing, memory / discontinuance, stay, suspension
حفظ ماء الوجه
(idiomatic) to preserve honor or self-respect; to save face (literally, to save the face's water)
سلامة الإنسان في حفظ اللسان
the safety of mankind (is) in the protection of the tongue; one should watch their speech to be safe and sound.