検索結果- アラビア語 - 英語
having partitive effect: of, some of, parts of, one of / made of / containing, including / pertaining to / to wit / from, away from, out of / at, on / in relation to, with respect to / due to, owing to / between; in contrast with / any / than (with comparatives)
(interrogative) who? / (interrogative) which?, which one? / (relative) who, the one who, he who, those who, everyone who / (conditional) whoever
to be kind, kindly, benign, gracious, benevolent (عَلَى (ʕalā)) / to show, to grant, to confer (عَلَى (ʕalā)) / to cut off, to curtail / to jade, to tire / to decrease, to diminish, to reduce / to reproach, to upbraid, to exprobrate [+accusative = with, the benefit received] [+ عَلَى (object) = whom]; to reproach, to upbraid, to exprobrate [+accusative = with, the benefit received]
verbal noun of مَنَّ (manna) (form I) / favor, benefit, blessing, boon / gracious bestowal, gift, largess / manna / a sweet liquid substance such as honey, nectar, or manna; honeydew
a historical unit of mass – translatable as mina or maund – varying usually between ca. 1–3 kilograms, however in some cases also going up over 40 kilograms.