検索結果- チェコ語 - 英語
behind (movement) (to a place behind) / by (to grab by, to take by) (denotes the object being grabbed) / in (time taken) (after time elapsed) / for (amount accumulated during a certain period) / for (in exchange of / in return for) (e.g. price) / for (struggle/fight for) / on behalf of, for / for / for (apologize for / grateful for) / for, in favor of / as (consider as, recognize as) / per / behind, beyond (location) / after / behind (figuratively: in support) / behind (indicating the cause) / during (during the time of)
behind, off (out of the field of vision) (used with the preposition za) / turn aside into, get into / covering by carrying out another activity, cover over, block / activity carried our with pleasure (with reflexive si) / immerse in, full devotion to an activity / put away, lose, destroy / instead of, in place of / to begin (not a common usage) / saturation / forms adjectives referring to places