florist / florist's
The florist prepared a beautiful bouquet.
nominative plural of çiçekçi
Florists are selling beautiful flowers.
definite accusative singular of çiçekçi
I saw the florist.
Floristry is the cultivation and sale of flowers.
definite accusative singular of çiçekçilik
I love flower selling.
locative plural of çiçekçi
There are beautiful flowers at the florists'.
definite genitive singular of çiçekçi
The florist's shop is closed today.
ablative plural of çiçekçi
I bought a beautiful bouquet from the florists.
dative plural of çiçekçi
We bought beautiful flowers for the florists.
ablative singular of çiçekçi
I bought a beautiful bouquet from the florist.
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