検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(grammar) an adnominal (attributive word: cannot be used predicatively and must precede a 体言 (taigen, “uninflecting word”) in Japanese grammar; examples are この (kono, “this”), 所謂 (iwayuru, “so-called”), 主たる (shu-taru, “main”), 単なる (tan-naru, “mere”), etc.)
意味: a meaning, a significance, the point / 異味: strange or different flavor
the mon, an old currency / a unit of length for measuring the size of one's foot (from the way that the mon coins would be lined up and used as a kind of inch marker) / a character, a letter
(grammar) a sentence / writing, composition / a design or pattern as decoration / literature, learning, scholarship / elegance, refinement (especially of writing or wording)