検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
furniture; fixture; equipment; implement; apparatus; tackle; gear; paraphernalia; instrument / tool; utensil; appliance; device / means; medium; measure / property; possession; belongings; goods / ingredient; material; substance; stuff / style; manner; way; means / things; articles; goods; food; work; element / reality; actuality; state of affairs
(Classical Japanese grammar) a verbal conjugation class which has the following inflections: -i/-i/-u/-uru/-ure/-i[yo]
(grammar) a verbal conjugation class in which the verb stem ends in -i and consists of four alternating bases: -i, -iru, -ire, and -iyo/-iro
a princess of 因幡 (Inaba), who was pursued by 大国主 (Ōkuninushi) and his brothers, but ultimately became his wife