検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
前項: previous paragraph / 全校: the whole school / 全高: overall height / 善行: good deed
地溝: graben / 地窖: hole dug in the ground, cellar / 治効: treatment efficacy / 知巧, 智巧: ingenuity / 知行: knowledge and action / 恥垢: smegma / 遅効: delayed effect
公祐, 亘佑, 孝介, 功亮, 弘祐, 康介, 幸亮, 浩輔: a male given name / 光介, 功祐, 工介, 昂輔, 浩扶: a male given name
公定: official rate, official price (Verb: ~する (rōmaji -suru)) / 公庭: imperial court / 公廷: ^([definition?]) / 公邸: official residence / 功程: ^([definition?]) / 孝悌: filial piety and fraternal duty
犯行: criminal act / 反抗: opposition / 反攻: counteroffensive / 版行: publishing / 藩校: Han school / 藩侯: feudal lord
分光: a spectrum / 分校: a branch school, a satellite campus / 文公: Duke Wen of Jin (晋文公, Jìn Wén Gōng, 697–628 BCE), a leader of the kingdom of Jin (晉 / 晋) during China's Spring and Autumn Period