検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
to pay for / to get rid of / to give away, / (calligraphy) to write as a sweeping stroke to the bottom right (㇏)
he / distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that / boyfriend
distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that, yon / particularly, male personal third person pronoun: he / by extension from he: boyfriend
虫垂: an appendix (vermiform appendix) / 注水: pouring water / 宙水: subterranean water that collects above a less-permeable stratum: perched water, a perched aquifer / 中水: gray water
抽象: abstraction / 中小: small to medium / 中傷: defamation, slander, libel / 中称: (linguistics) mesioproximal pronoun
中心: center, middle / 衷心: innermost feelings / 忠臣: loyal retainer, loyal subject / 忠信: faithfulness, devotion / 中震: moderate earthquake / 注進: information, making a report