検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
he / distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that / boyfriend
distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that, yon / particularly, male personal third person pronoun: he / by extension from he: boyfriend
表意: an expression of intent; a direct expression of meaning / 表衣: a coat, a mantle, an overcoat / 憑依, 馮依: something requested, something depended upon; spirit possession
表意: to express one's intent / 憑依, 馮依: to request something, to depend upon something; to be possessed by a spirit
The hiragana syllable そ (so). Its equivalent in katakana is ソ (so). It is the fifteenth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is さ行お段 (sa-gyō o-dan, “row sa, section o”).