検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
to hurry, to hasten, to rush, in order to get something done or to get somewhere / to prepare or expedite something
皇妃: an empress / 口碑: a legend / 工費: construction costs / 公比: a common ratio; a geometric ratio / 公妃: a duchess / 公費: public expenditure / 叩扉: beating on a door; a visit to someone
叩扉: to beat on a door; to visit someone / 光被: to spread widely (said of a light, or of magnanimous favor of someone in power)
he / distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that / boyfriend
distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that, yon / particularly, male personal third person pronoun: he / by extension from he: boyfriend