検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
oneself / first-person pronoun: I, me (often shows the speaker's lower position in a hierarchy than the addressee) / (Kansai) you
he / distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that / boyfriend
distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that, yon / particularly, male personal third person pronoun: he / by extension from he: boyfriend
a land, a large place / a country in general, a region / a country as in a nation, a state / the office of emperor, the crown; affairs of state / a province of ancient Japan
充, 卓, 孝, 尊, 尭, 峻, 崇, 敬: a male given name / 聖, 誉, 貴, 隆, 剛士, 高志, 隆司, 敬士: a male given name / 隆志, 貴司, 孝史, 貴志, 尚志, 孝志, 貴之, 隆史: a male given name / 剛司, 卓史, 貴史, 孝司, 高史, 誉志, 隆士, 高士: a male given name
田掻き: preparing a rice field for planting by flooding it and breaking up the soil / 高木, 高樹: tall tree