検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
to use, make use of, utilize / to adopt, employ / to appoint, assign / to employ, hire / to need
solution, settlement / (music) Progression from dissonance to consonance; a chord to which such progression is made; resolution
(transitive) solve, resolve, settle (a problem, a trouble, a criminal case) / (intransitive) be solved, be settled / (intransitive) can be solved; be soluble
he / distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that / boyfriend
distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that, yon / particularly, male personal third person pronoun: he / by extension from he: boyfriend
question, problem on homework etc. / a question; a matter (of time etc.) / a problem (something that needs to be dealt with); a trouble / an issue; a matter