検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(grammar) a dependent/enclitic/bound morpheme or form in Japanese, marked by its dependence to a 自立語 (jiritsugo, “free word”) and its lack of distinct pitch accent
(orthography) the sort order for kana (historically, mainly for katakana) as arranged in the 五十音図 (literally “table of the fifty sounds”)
(phonology, orthography, grammar) all Japanese morae that can be spelled with 45 single modern kana and 2 historical kana (ゐ/ヰ and ゑ/ヱ) customarily without diacritical marks (゛ and ゜), excluding っ and ん, arranged in a 5x10 table (五十音図 (gojūonzu, literally “table of the fifty sounds”)), used for phonological and grammatical analysis
聴音: hearing / ー: the long vowel mark / 長音: a long vowel / 調音: articulation (of a sound)