検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
"separate stomach": appetite or ability to continue eating after a meal; a hollow leg / "separate belly": in reference to siblings who share the same father but have different mothers
“separate stomach”: appetite or ability to continue eating after a meal: a hollow leg / “separate belly”: in reference to siblings who share the same father but have different mothers
“separate belly”: in reference to siblings who share the same father but have different mothers
sweet, sugary, mellow / lacking saltiness / indulgent, soft / careless, lacking, lax / (figuratively) fragrant (of odor), melodious (of sound)
薔薇, 荊棘: a rose, a rosebush / 散: the state of being scattered or in disarray / 肋: short for 肋肉 (baraniku): rib (meat, generally beef or pork)
(archaic, possibly obsolete) 荒ら, 荒, 疎ら, 疎: loosely spaced, sparse, with large gaps, wide open / (archaic, possibly obsolete) 荒ら, 荒, 疎ら, 疎: broken down, ruined, wild